by Nathan | Oct 21, 2023 | Blog, Other Games, Roleplaying Games
Vagrant Workshop have done a fantastic job on two amazing games that utilise the FU system. If you haven’t checked out Earthdawn: Age of Legend or the Equinox Storygame Guide, you should – they are beautiful products, evocative settings...
by Nathan | Oct 7, 2023 | Blog, Design, Roleplaying Games
Sometimes, as a GM, running in an established world / universe is nice and easy. We’ve read the novels, seen the films and purchased all the supplements that reveal the deepest secrets of the most sinister organisations of the setting. When you tell your players they...
by Nathan | Sep 30, 2023 | Blog, Design, Roleplaying Games
Starting a new roleplaying game is always exciting, but, as keen as I am to just get into telling exciting stores, I always take a moment to address a few things. I like to kick things off with a conversation so everyone is on the same page. Even when playing with...
by Nathan | Sep 19, 2023 | Blog, Freeform Universal, Roleplaying Games
I have been giving some thought to the dice mechanism in FU lately. A lot of thought. In fact, I have been chasing myself in circles thinking about how actions are resolved, what is important and why. I decided I would write this post so that; I could clarify for...
by Nathan | Sep 16, 2023 | Blog, Roleplaying Games
I joined a game of Battletech: A Time of War recently and was surprised to find that nobody was playing the role of the iconic mechwarrior. It was particularly surprising as we had been told that every character would need at least some skill in battlemech piloting....
by Nathan | Mar 4, 2023 | Freeform Universal, Roleplaying Games
I had a great conversation with Christoffer over on the FU Facebook page about setting stakes in your games of FU. At the core of the discussion was how do we ensure that our games don’t grind to a halt when a player rolls a “no” results.Up until now the process I...