A long overdue update

A long overdue update

I cannot believe it is November. This year has been a strange one for me, dragging with interminable slowness for large portions, only for me to blink and find that months have passed. Today, I want to give an update on the state of projects and what has been...
Exploring Drives in FU

Exploring Drives in FU

Today I want to talk about drives in more detail. The classic FU rules describe them as defining a character’s “purpose”, or the thing they most want to achieve. However, drives can be much more than that. Drives can be the overt reasons a...
2023 in Review

2023 in Review

I haven’t done this before, but I thought I would begin the year with a look back at the year that was 2023 – releases, sales and what I worked on. I don’t think this will be a particularly long post, but I am writing it as both a record of what has...
Inhumanoids: A FU Hack

Inhumanoids: A FU Hack

Here’s a quick thumb-sketch of an idea for a story or campaign, inspired by Marvel’s Inhumans. In this variation, however, it is more of a mash-up with traditional fantasy tropes, rather than alien experimentation. In the distant past, thousands (if not millions) of...
The Green & The Tan Design Notes

The Green & The Tan Design Notes

The Green and the Tan are fast-playing and fun miniature battle rules to use with plastic army men – you know, the cheap toy soldiers you get from discount stores! Easy for new players to get involved quickly, without having to worry about detailed army lists or...